We are all connected to this planet and everything we put in our bodies comes from mother earth so if man pollutes the planet man polluted himself. Today's politicians are not working for you and me they never have, but today more then ever before they serve the banking system and wall street thanks to the Supreme Court allowing unlimited corporate funding for campaigns...
We have to raise our vibrations and tune into that divine intelligent force of the universe and become aware that it is a new day times are changing... Many are waking up, the people don't want to see no more wars the pain and unnecessary suffering that takes place daily all over the Earth, whats different today is the information that was hidden before is coming to light and many of the lies we have been taught are being exposed.
I heard someone today say that her God is greater then others and I have to ask what is her concept of God? I don't like to talk about God and Religion because people do some crazy shit to other people behind a belief in God! I will say this though religion separates the masses and it is used by very evil persons to justify war! we have to let go of all the lies even if it hurts. Why would you make a plant like cannabis illegal?