The United States War Department and Congress is using Britney Griner’s arrest in Russia as a pro war propaganda tool directing social media and mainstream media and the sports world, to paint a picture of Britney Griner as victim, being illegally imprisoned in Russia because of the war in Ukraine, even though she broke Russian law. The USA’s government-controlled news outlets want people to hate Russia and its President Putin, by not mentioning the 2014 USA funded coup, instead they are blaming only Russia for the war in Ukraine, supply shortages, food shortages and record inflation in the USA. The media wants the masses to look at Britney Griner as someone that we should look up to in these days and times, because she's an author, a professional athlete, has won several college and professional basketball awards, including gold medals, and she is married to a female. Britney Griner said she was bullied in school because of her size and sexuality, so now as an adult she is an advocate to end bullying and help create equality for the LBTQ community. Bullying people is not good and I too don’t like people to be bullied, it is reported that 1 out of 5 students are bullied in school for many different reasons, so it is a serious problem. But if the truth be told, the USA government is probably the world’s biggest bully, Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world; My own Government, I can not be silent”, you can also read “War Is a Racket” by General Smedley Butler to learn how the USA has bullied countries for decades.
Britney’s father was in the military and law enforcement, when she told her parents she was attracted to the same sex while in H.S., he did not accept that, so she moved out of the house to live with one of her coaches. Many people have this love of entertainment, especially celebrities who have achieved as many awards as Britney Griner has. All over TV and social media, there are people and organizations campaigning to have Russia release her, on the nationally televised ESPY award show, the slogan “We Are BG” as repeated and a call to have her released, there has even been talk about a prisoner swap with the Russian government reported.
As a person who has been negatively affected by the USA racist cannabis prohibition laws and one who has studied the history of the cannabis plant and the USA’s war on drugs, that officially started in 1971 under the Nixon administration. I have to say that Britney Griner doesn’t deserve to be in prison and that no one should have ever been arrested and/or incarcerated for having, using, growing, or selling cannabis. Also, BG is does not deserve to be released more than any other cannabis prisoner, I say they all should be release and the governments should assist in providing the resources to help repair their lives. Because of the global educational and media outlets many people do not know that Cannabis had been used for thousands of years in the Global South, Turtle Island, and many other parts of the planet for the benefit of the People and or planet until the 1900’s when South African and the USA decided to criminalize the use and possession of cannabis-hemp-marijuana so that the government could target arrest and imprison certain groups and populations that they wanted to disrupt, and to severely limit the industrial and medical research that showed the many benefits and uses that the cannabis plant could and does offer the world. What if the masses of the people knew that Cannabis could cure some forms of cancer, make a biodegradable plastic, and meet all the world's energy needs, just to name a few of the over 50 thousand uses of the sacred cannabis plant for the benefit of the people and our planet? Just imagine!
Kwame Binta